Thursday, May 12, 2016

Mt. Lemon SkyCenter/Mexican Night Out with Family

Today we took a trip to Mt. Lemon SkyCenter since it was going to be over 100 degrees in Marana and Tucson. We took the Catalina Highway Scenic Drive for about 26 miles from 3000 ft. all the way up to 9000 ft. in elevation. It takes you from Mexico to Canada biologically. We went from 90-100 degrees to 68 degrees at elevation.

Common cactus in the area. Lots of nats at this elevation.

Getting into the pine trees.

Tucson in the background.

General Store at the top.

Ski lift.

Ski Slopes.

Went out with Brad, Christy, Alyssa and Lizzie for a wonderful Mexican dinner. Some nice and crazy young man offered to take some pictures, and went a little crazy with the camera, but the pics are great and it was fun.
(ps,..If you want to see pictures better double click and they will enlarge nicely.)

Elwin with Alyssa and Lizzie in front of house.

Elwin with Alyssa and Lizzie in front of house.

Our waiter got caught in a picture.



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