Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Lake Havasu, AZ

We changed our itinerary this morning. Tired of driving and no fun. We enjoyed visiting family, but the trip to Alaska became daunting after issues and lots and lots of driving. Decided to drive north on Highway 95 and turn right instead of left. We entered and exited California. (Oops I bit off more than I want to chew. Heading home slowly to enjoy the sites along the way. The blog is now misnamed.) We turned right and went to Lake Havasu City off of I-40. Nice place. Rains making it cooler here today. Went downtown and visited the London Bridge built in London and completed in 1831, disassembled and brought here in 1971. I remembered seeing this bridge on 60 minutes. Plan to stay here a few days and play, then move on to Flagstaff area and see what fun we can have there.
Campbell Cove RV Resort

Elwin hooking up the essentials.

Our view. Nice.

Visiter center and London Bridge

Visiter center fountain.

London Bridge

London Bridge

London Bridge

London Bridge

London Bridge

People place padlocks on bridge with their names. Interesting.

Light Post on London Bridge made from melted cannons from Napoleon's war.

Tourist area and visiter center next to bridge.

London Bridge

Old english phone booth. Photo op for fun.

Nice fountain.

Beach on the Lake Havasu.

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