Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Gallup New Mexico Cultural Museum

Today we spoiled ourselves and had an authentic Mexican breakfast at Jerry's Restaurant here in Gallup. Trip Advisor said it was a very good local restaurant. Boy were they right. The place was packed with locals and the food was awesome with great service. We then ambled around town shopping at all the trading posts for authentic Indian pottery and stuff. We might stay one more night if we can get a place on the Xtreme-Lee Hot Air Balloon trip. It is supposed to be fabulous taking you over all the desert formations here. I really enjoyed the Hot Air Balloon years ago, this one sounds even better. We will have to do the Balloon next time we are this way. The internet is slow here, but much better than Page, AZ. So today I am also posting all the previous excursions.

Coal miner's equipment from early 1900's here in Gallup.

Navajo statue in front of Gallup Cultural Center

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