Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Road to Page Arizona

Got up early to beat the 20-30 mph winds hitting this region for today and tomorrow. Drove 160 miles to Page Arizona. It is on the eastern side of the Grand Canyon. The drive had mountains from Flagstaff and desert and rocks, lots of red rocks. I do so love this part of the country. The only thing I do not like is you always have dirty feet if you wear flip flops, which I do. We took Hwy 89 and then Highway 20 into Page. (20 avoids mountain and turns.) The winds were not bad in the morning. Arrived here around 1100 am PST. Elwin shot some pictures from the motor home while driving in to Page. The lord sure blessed us with a spot for 2 weeks over the holiday weekend on short notice. The campground is booked for the weekend. Yeah, we just got in by making reservations yesterday. I thought we would have to move around a bit due to late booking, but another door opened and we are set for 2 weeks. (Pay for 6, get the 7th free; we love that.) Our spot is out of the way and pull-in private. The campground is close to everything, we are delighted to be here. The views around here are breathtaking.

The road in on I-20.

I-20 coming into Page, AZ

I-20 into Page.

Our spot of heaven for 2 weeks.
View of the hills.
Little rabbits in our view.
Cute little rabbits everywhere.
Nice pose.

Ahh, love the red clay dirt of this region.

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